Many of you already know that kayaks are great for summertime paddling. But if you don’t have a place to put them when the weather gets cold, you’re missing out on the best way to enjoy your kayak in the winter months!
You’ll want to get the most out of kayaking throughout the year if you’re passionate about it. And so, you will want to store your kayak outside in winter.
Even if you store your kayak inside, you’ll still have to use it! Therefore, storing your kayak outside can be a good idea.
If you have a garage, shed, or other protected areas, this is a good place to store your kayak. If you are planning to store your kayak outside in the backyard or in a shed, you should make sure that you cover the kayak with a tarp or plastic sheeting.
When you are set to store your kayak outside in winter, you need to make sure a few things, including keeping the weight even. If your kayak is too heavy, the hull can become deformed. Make sure the rack supports are spaced evenly. Moreover, you should rotate the kayak every month so that the weight is evenly distributed.
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The Ultimate Guide to Store A Kayak Outside In Winter Months
In my years of kayaking, I’ve learned a lot about kayak storage over the years. The trick is to keep your kayak dry but not wet. When storing a kayak outdoors, you should always do a couple of things.
First, make sure that your kayak has a lid to keep out any rain or snow. Second, make sure that your kayak is covered with waterproofing material. This will protect the bottom of the kayak from the rain and snow and keep the cockpit from getting soaked.
Third, make sure that your kayak is out of the wind. Wind can create a vortex of air around your kayak that will suck the moisture out of your kayak.
Fourth, try to get your kayak as close to a wall as you can. This will prevent any wind from blowing moisture into your kayak. Finally, make sure that you store your kayak on a hard surface. The grass is okay, but concrete or asphalt is the best.
Creating a sheltered area to store kayaks outside in winter
Sheltering your kayak outside is a great way to keep it out of the weather and out of direct sunlight. Moreover, the structure of a sheltered area can be adjusted to accommodate the weight of the kayak so that it stays dry and sturdily stored.
The shelter will keep it out of direct sunlight and rain, both of which harm your kayak’s fabric. By creating a sheltered area, you’ll also keep the kayak’s temperature stable.
Keeping your kayak sheltered with good airflow will speed up the drying process. Besides, it will allow you to store more than one kayak at once. You can even store a few kayaks outside if you have the space.
When you’re creating a sheltered area to store your kayak outdoors, make sure that it’s off the ground. You can use wooden planks or pallets to store your kayak. You should also store it in a way that the cockpit faces a wall. This will keep out insects and pests while avoiding moisture damage.
After you’ve done these steps, you can store your kayak outside. Ensure the area where you keep your kayak is well-ventilated and dry. Then, use a sturdy storage rack to hold your kayak off the ground. Don’t forget to install a desiccant canister inside the kayak’s storage bag.
Protecting kayaks from freeze-thaw cycles
To avoid damaging your kayak’s molded plastic, you should store it in a dry, covered area. This will prevent moisture buildup, which is one of the main causes of kayak damage from freeze-thaw cycles. You should also avoid leaving your kayak exposed on the ground.
Whenever you are unable to store your kayak outside in winter, you may store it in your garage or spare room. Alternatively, free-standing racks or wall racks can be used to store your kayak if there is no garage or room available. Once your kayak is stored, drape a tarp over it to prevent moisture buildup.
Protecting kayaks from Extreme Heat And UV light
Don’t let your kayak get too hot or too hot in the sun. Both of these factors will cause your kayak to lose its shape. The UV rays from the sun can cause the exterior of your kayak to fade, and the heat from the sun can lead to warping. A climate-controlled room is the best place to store a kayak to avoid this problem.
Most kayaks are made of plastic, fiberglass, or polyethylene, so they can be damaged by UV light. Direct exposure to the sun’s UV rays can cause the hull to fade and will cause your kayak to not perform as well as you would like it to.
Protecting your kayak from UV light when storing it outside in the winter is a great way to preserve its hull. UV light can cause fading and damage to the materials of your kayak, and prolonged exposure to it can result in warped and misshapen kayaks. To protect your kayak from UV light, keep it off flat surfaces and keep it protected with UV-protectant sprays.
Avoiding moisture in storage areas
When you put your kayak away for the winter, you need to take a few precautions to avoid moisture damage. First, make sure that your kayak is completely dry. If it is not, then use an old tarp or some sort of coverage that will prevent any moisture from penetrating your kayak.
Also, try to avoid storing your kayak in areas that are extremely humid. In such cases, your kayak will warp and may even develop mold.
You should also keep the tarp tightly over your kayak to prevent moisture from getting inside. This will also reduce the chance of it ripping and letting moisture in. Another way to avoid moisture is to place a piece of plywood on top of the tarp. This will make it easier to push snow off of your kayak.
If you do not plan to use your kayak during the winter, you should consider storing it indoors. While this may not be easy, it is essential for long-term storage. In addition to keeping your kayak dry, you should also take the time to clean it thoroughly before storing it. This will minimize the possibility of mold and other pests damaging your kayak.
Dos and Don’ts of kayak Outside storage
In winter, you can store your kayak outside, but you have to take precautions to keep them safe. It’s best to store your kayak somewhere warm and dry, preferably off the ground. It might also help if you use wooden pallets or planks.
You can also store your kayak with its cockpit facing a wall. This will ensure that it stays dry while preventing a potential pest infestation.
Once you have stored the kayak, you should tie the hull securely to a tarp or padded cradle. The hull may get damaged if the weight is unevenly distributed. If you do not want to spend money on a kayak storage rack, you can use webbing or sawhorses to secure your kayak. Alternatively, you can use universal foam kayak blocks.
While it is essential to protect your kayak against freezing temperatures, it is also important to protect it from insects. If you are storing your kayak outdoors, try not to store it in direct sunlight. It can crack or split, which will lead to leaks and major repair costs once spring comes.
Protecting your kayak from falling leaves, pine cones, and other debris
If you store your kayak outdoors, make sure you place it in a sheltered area. The best option is to create a tent-like shelter out of a tarp or PVC pipe. The shape of this shelter allows water to drain off and protects your kayak from the elements.
Never store your kayak in a place where snow or other debris may accumulate. Moreover, never store your kayak in areas where it’s too humid, as this can cause mold and degrade your kayak over time.
Maintaining your kayak while it’s in storage
Winter can cause a number of problems for kayaks. For starters, freezing temperatures can damage plastic kayaks. Ice and snow can also break down the rotomolded plastic in your kayak, leading to leaks and major repairs come springtime. Thankfully, there are several easy ways to protect your kayak from these problems.
The first option is to cover your kayak. In cold climates, a cover will help prevent moisture and rust from forming. This is especially important if you’re storing your kayak outdoors. Extended exposure to water can also cause cracks and other damage to your kayak. To prevent these problems, you can cover your kayak or put it in a storage unit with proper ventilation.
Another option is to store your kayak on a rack. You can purchase a rack designed for kayaks or build one yourself. Either way, a rack will keep your kayak off the ground and at a slight angle. It also keeps the kayak from becoming warped by moisture.
Before storing your kayak outdoors, be sure to clean it thoroughly inside and out. You may want to remove sand, algae, and other dirt from the cockpit and bilge. After cleaning, make sure to thoroughly dry the kayak before storing it. Leaving it wet will allow mold to grow in it.
In mild climates, it is possible to store your kayak outside during the winter. Ensure that the space is shaded and not too wet. You should also secure the kayak using blocks or a kayak rack. Lastly, consider moving your kayak indoors if the weather turns too cold or too humid.
When you store your kayak outside, you should also clean both the inside and outside. Start by removing any sand and algae grime from the surface. Next, make sure it dries thoroughly to avoid water buildup and mold. While you’re at it, clean the paddle, bilge pump, and other equipment, too. Drying them will reduce the risk of moisture buildup, which can damage the kayak.
In conclusion, the best place to store your kayak is inside, but if you have to store it outside, make sure it’s shady. A shady location under a deck or under the eaves of a roof is ideal. You may also want to consider putting a weather-resistant tarp over the kayak to protect it from rain and snow.