Kayaking with sharks is an exhilarating experience that is not for the faint of heart. But if you’re up for the challenge, it’s an unforgettable adventure. While it may sound like something straight out of a horror movie, kayaking with sharks is actually a thrilling experience that is perfect for adventure seekers.
Not only will you get up close and personal with these amazing creatures, but you’ll also get to enjoy the beautiful scenery and experience the rush of adrenaline that comes with being in their presence.
While sharks are generally not aggressive towards humans, there is always a possibility that you could come into contact with one.
Sharks are attracted to movement, so if you’re paddling with them in close proximity, stay calm and don’t show fear. When sharks see fear in someone, it makes them more likely to attack!
If you’re planning on kayaking with sharks, there are a few do’s ad don’ts you need to keep in mind. And this guide aims to help you make the most of your kayaking with sharks experience.
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How To Get Prepared For A Sharks Kayaking Trip
First, choose your kayaking destination wisely. There are many places in the world where you can kayak with sharks, but not all of them are equally safe. Some destinations are better for spotting sharks, while some are more dangerous. Do your research and pick a destination that is right for you.
Once you’ve chosen your destination, it’s time to start planning your trip. You’ll need to pack the right gear, including a kayak, life jacket, and safety equipment. You’ll also need to research the best time to go kayaking with sharks.
The time of day and the time of year can make a big difference in your chances of encountering them. Generally, dusk and dawn are great for spotting them.
When you’re finally ready to hit the water, be sure to follow all the safety guidelines. Pay attention to the signs and warnings posted at your kayaking destination, and follow the instructions of the staff. Don’t take any risks, and always put your safety first.
Generally, sharks do not attack kayaks. While it is possible for a shark to bite a kayaker, this is very rare. They may attack if someone is in the water with a kayak that they can easily swim to or if the kayak is floating in their territory.
In fact, according to the International Shark Attack File, only 21 out of 2,453 reported attacks in the US involved kayakers. Furthermore, sharks typically prefer to prey on fish and other aquatic predators rather than humans.
Sharks often attack kayakers because they think they’re food, so it’s best to remain calm. As long as you are not the prey, the shark will soon realize that you’re not a food source.
The reason for this is that these animals feed on fish, which means they are easily confused by boats in their natural habitat.
Despite the fact that these predators rarely attack people on kayaks, you should always be careful and aware of your surroundings when you’re out kayaking.
Although they don’t necessarily mean harm, sharks can follow you for a long time!
Many kayakers are concerned about the safety of the water, but the truth is, it’s safe to kayak around the sharks if you know what to do if a shark approaches you. Here we’ve covered a complete guide on inflatable kayak safety, you can find it here; are inflatable kayaks safe from sharks?
There are a few things that you can do to keep sharks away from your kayak. One is to use a large decoy like a life-sized doll or an inflatable boat toy.
Another is to use loud noises to scare them away, like banging pots and pans together or blowing a whistle.
Finally, you can try using a spray bottle filled with water and vinegar to sprinkle the water around the kayak. The smell of vinegar will make sharks swim away.
The 19 Do’s And Don’ts When Kayaking With Sharks
There are a number of Dos And Don’ts to keep in mind when kayaking with sharks. First, stay calm and stay away from large groups of fish or seals. If you do spot a shark, don’t panic or look injured. It will just attract the shark’s attention.
Instead, paddle to safety and wait for it to pass. This article will give you tips to keep you safe.
Avoid Dusk And Dawn
Sharks are most active during dusk and dawn when they are looking for fish to feed on. This increases your chance of an encounter, but it doesn’t guarantee a shark attack. You should also avoid kayaking in areas where sharks are likely to be present, especially in bright or shiny areas.
These predators can easily spot you, so avoid kayaking in these times. If you see a shark jumping out of the water, stay on shore and keep calm.
Don’t paddle around rivers and oceans at dusk or dawn. Sharks are more active at night and during the darkest time of the day. Avoid paddling around river mouths, especially after rain, and be careful when wading through shallow water and avoiding kelp. Here’s our take on night kayaking guide.
Lastly, remove your jewelry before entering the water. Shiny jewelry reflects light in the same way as fish scales, and this makes you a prime target for a shark!
Don’t Attack Sharks In Panic
If a shark is approaching your kayak, don’t panic, and don’t attack it. Sharks are naturally curious and will not attack you if they are not frightened. But if you feel panicked and agitated, you may look like easy prey to them. The best way to scare a shark away is to use your kayak paddle. If you can’t resist a shark attack, you should hit it with your paddles.
Always make sure that you and your kayaking partners know of your plans in advance and have a backup plan. Typically, shark attacks happen within 100 feet of shore. When you hear thunder, head for shore. Lightning is much more likely to strike high objects, including kayak paddles.
Avoid Areas Where They Feed
Another way to minimize your risk of encountering a shark is to avoid areas where they feed. The best places to avoid are river mouths and estuaries. These are classic hangouts for sharks. Estuaries are a mix of saltwater and freshwater, making them a great place for predators to hang out. Here we particularly covered freshwater kayaking and saltwater kayak fishing.
These murky waters make it difficult for them to differentiate between prey and predator. Sharks like to feed at dusk and dawn.
You can find warning signs along the way if you want to be safe. However, you should also avoid the rivers with a large number of sharks, and cloudy river mouths are prime hunting grounds for bull sharks. Lastly, avoid kayaking in areas where sharks have been sighted before.
Make Sure You’re Prepared
Before going kayaking, always take care of your health. Make sure you don’t eat anything that can hurt you, and don’t make noises while kayaking. Sharks love to feed on blood, and they’ll often attack humans and pets. So, make sure you’re prepared to face a shark attack if the situation arises. If you’re kayaking alone, the good idea is to paddle with a partner or a friend.
As with any activity, avoiding the ocean is impossible, but there are some precautions you can take. Avoid the churning waters and the sealing activity, as these signs can be warning signs of something larger and more dangerous.
Remember to pack a quality, waterproof first-aid kit and follow all kayaking rules and regulations. By following these precautions, you’ll be much safer kayaking. Take time to research the local shark reports and be aware of their current activities.
Stay Out Of Sharks Territory
While kayaking with sharks, you can do a number of things to make the situation safer. Firstly, remove anything bloody or fishy from your kayak. You should also avoid feeding sharks, as this will only make them more curious and aggressive. Always keep a radio handy to call for help in an emergency. If you see a shark swimming near your kayak, stay out of the water.
If you see a shark in the water, you need to stay out of its territory. Do not paddle quickly or fall off your board. You may look like a seal to a shark, and this will only attract more attention. Moreover, a sharp rap on its snout may deter it from attacking you. If you can’t paddle fast enough, you should stay out of the water while kayaking with sharks.
Stay Calm
While you’re on your kayaking trip, you might see a shark in the water. Despite their intimidating appearance, sharks are actually quite timid and rarely attack humans. In the event that you happen to see a shark, stay calm and paddle towards shore. If the shark is close by, try paddling backward to keep your eyes on it. It will probably swim away if you don’t panic and keep calm.
What If A Shark Attacks Your Kayak?
If your kayak is attacked by a shark, you should stay calm and paddle out of its area. Try to remain in its sight as much as possible. Likewise, if you see a dead marine animal in the water, avoid it. The fish will likely attack you if they feel that you’re a source of food. If you don’t know if you’re being attacked by a shark, you can’t be sure how many times it’ll attack you.
If you can’t avoid a shark, stay calm and avoid areas with a lot of activity. Avoid kayaking near river mouths or in areas with large groups of fish. Also, avoid areas with seals, sea lions, and other sea creatures. You should also stay away from areas that are commonly visited by white sharks. These species are most interested in movement. If you’re kayaking at night or dusk, stay calm.
Deploy A Shark Repellent
While you’re kayaking in a shark-infested area, you shouldn’t panic. Rather, stay calm and deploy a shark repellent. As long as you stay close to your kayaking partners, the sharks will be less likely to attack you. You should stay in the kayak until you reach the wall or cliff and always remain close to the other kayakers. The group of kayakers will give you an advantage over any predator.
Avoid Getting Bitten By A Shark
You can avoid getting bitten by a shark while kayak fishing by following these tips. First of all, stay quiet and never panic if you do happen to be attacked.
Although you may be in the middle of a kayak trip, you must stay calm and back away from the shark as slowly as possible. If you are already bleeding, do not panic and try to get to shore as quickly as possible.
The number one danger after a shark attack is blood loss, so try to get to shore as quickly as possible.
Remember that shark attacks on kayaks are rare, and they are highly unlikely to happen. According to the Global Shark Attack File, there have only been 21 recorded incidents since the early 1900s.
One of these cases involved kayakers in Malibu, California. These shark attacks may have occurred when kayakers were mistaken for prey.
To avoid getting attacked by a shark while kayaking, remember to keep your gear in good condition, wear your PFD securely, and always let people know where you’re going.
Don’t Be Overly Aggressive
Be aggressive, but not overly aggressive. If you notice a shark approaching your kayak, use your paddle as a weapon to scare it away. Remember, sharks are curious animals, and they may be mistaken for sealing food. Remember that this is not the time to assault a shark. You’ll be able to handle the situation much more effectively if you keep calm and avoid panicky behavior.
Although the Great White shark is the most common shark that attacks humans, other species can pose a threat. Tiger and Bull sharks can cause a capsized kayak. Usually, however, they’ll use their mouths to examine a kayak before attacking. Often, they’ll nibble at it first to see if it’s tasty food. Fortunately, humans are not usually edible to sharks, so they’re usually discarded.
Remember These Things When You Are Kayaking Around Shark’s Territory
If you’ve ever been out kayaking in the ocean, you may have heard a few warnings about encounters with sharks. While these warnings are certainly helpful, the fact is that the vast majority of these encounters are harmless.
If you’ve been stung by a shark, the best way to deal with the situation is to know what to do and what to not do.
Listed below are some tips for avoiding dangerous situations while kayaking.
If A Shark Approaches Your Kayak
If a shark approaches your kayak, make sure that you’re not provoking it. Using your paddle as a weapon will scare off the shark, but don’t ever slap it!
Despite their reputation, sharks are often curious and will be unable to distinguish between you and their prey. Never try to attack or slap the shark. It’s important to remember that 30% of shark attacks were actually provoked.
Your Paddle Is The Savior
If you spot a shark, remember that it’s a predator of opportunity. If it sees a kayaker, it’s unlikely to be a threat. A shark’s first instinct is to avoid the kayaker, so you can’t simply hit it. A well-placed paddle strike could make the shark think you’re an unnatural prey, and if it responds, you’re in for a nasty surprise.
Turn Off Unnecessary Electronic Devices
Keep in mind that sharks have electric field sensors on their heads and snouts, which make them curious about electronic devices on your kayak. These devices may even confuse them with their prey. Always remember to turn off your electronic devices when kayaking with sharks.
Bright-Colored Kayaks Attract Sharks
While it is true that some kayak colors might attract sharks, these are rare cases. The fact remains, however, that blue and green kayaks may attract sharks.
Moreover, sharks are attracted to bright colors and are more likely to strike victims. This is a good time to invest in a cooler and a flashing neon sign. It also pays to avoid areas known to be shark-infested and to avoid using kayaks painted with a bright color.
While a brightly colored kayak may be more noticeable to sharks, a darker-colored kayak is more likely to provoke a pummeling attack from below.
Dark kayaks also create the most effective shadows and silhouettes, making them ideal for surface jigs.
In addition, white sharks prefer kayaks that are black because their shadow looks like a seal. So if you’re kayaking in deep water, it might look like an elephant seal to them. However, this is not true in all cases.
Meanwhile, lighter-colored kayaks may provoke more foraging action than predatory attacks. So, when choosing a kayak for your next trip, be sure to choose wisely.
Be Aware Of Your Surroundings
While kayaking with sharks, you have to be extra careful. Sharks are known as ambush predators, meaning that they will attack their prey when they are unaware. If you happen to bump into one, make sure to maintain eye contact with the shark.
Look out for splashing water, feeding seals, and circling birds, and paddle away. Although shark attacks on kayaks are not common, they can be dangerous; if you see any of these things, paddle away. Even if you never see a shark, you should always be prepared for the worst.
And don’t forget to keep a close eye on the shark – you’ll never know what will happen! You’ll also want to avoid any dead marine animals that may be lying around since they will likely serve as a meal for the sharks.
If you look away, the shark might feel the opportunity to attack. Paddle slowly away from the shark to avoid its attacks. However, if you happen to bump into a shark, don’t panic.
Remember that the only way to save yourself from danger is to stay calm.
Lastly, if you’re planning a solo kayaking trip in the ocean, it’s a good idea to tell someone ahead of time. Always have a backup plan if something goes wrong. Remember that most shark attacks occur within the first 100 feet from shore.
Avoid Kayaking In Sharks’ Territory If You’re Bleeding
You should avoid kayaking with sharks if you’re bleeding because they can trace blood to your wounds. It is also important to pay attention to nature’s warning signs. If you see splashing water, feeding seals or circling birds, steer clear of them. Even though shark attacks are rare, they can still happen. Here are some precautionary measures you can take to keep yourself safe when kayaking with sharks.
Keep Your Equipment Safe And Dry
Dry bags keep your valuables dry in water. Many people use them when kayaking or doing other outdoor activities. In kayaking, dry bags are especially useful because they help you carry all of your equipment more conveniently.
While a dry bag isn’t necessary for every situation, it is important to have a waterproof bag in case of the unexpected. These bags are waterproof, so they’re essential if you’re kayaking with sharks.
You don’t want your valuables to get wet or damaged, so a dry bag will ensure that they stay dry. Regardless of whether you’re kayaking with sharks or simply kayaking for recreation, a dry bag will keep your valuables safe and dry.
Depending on your needs, you can choose between a small dry bag and a large one. For kayaking, a dry bag between five and 20 liters will keep your valuables dry. You can also use a trash compactor bag for additional protection. If you don’t have a dry bag, you can use it as a pillow.
Kayak Shark Attack Report
The majority of kayak shark attacks are not actually attacking but more of a shark encounter. A hammerhead shark may smack a kayaker’s paddle, and the boat will likely follow, but it will not attack. It will most likely just investigate and try to figure out if it is a good snack or not.
A recent kayak shark attack in California has left one man with sore ribs and leg injuries. Although he managed to complete a self-rescue maneuver and get back in the kayak, he had to deal with a painful experience.
The incident occurred in an area where another great white shark recently attacked a person who was also kayaking. Luckily, the other person was unharmed and was able to swim to safety.
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife is currently investigating whether the two attacks were the same species.
Summer 2016, Kayak Shark Attack
In the summer of 2016, a kayaker in California had an unexpected encounter with a shark while out on the water. The kayaker, who was not identified, was about a mile off the coast of Capistrano Beach when he saw a 6-foot shark swimming next to his kayak.
The shark did not seem to be interested in the kayaker and eventually swam away.
Kayak Shark Attack Report 2021
In 2021, a kayak fisherman was attacked by a shark while out fishing. The attack left the fisherman with serious injuries, and he required surgery to repair them. This particular shark attack is noteworthy because it is one of the few documented cases of a kayak fisherman being attacked by a shark.
In conclusion, kayaking with sharks is a thrilling and risky experience, but one that is definitely worth taking for those who are adventurous and thrill-seekers. It is important to remember that these animals can be unpredictable and dangerous, so it is important to respect them and take precautions if you choose to participate in this activity.
However, if you are interested in kayaking with sharks, be sure to research the different species of sharks that are commonly found in the waters around Florida before getting out on the water.