Dogs are one of the best human companions from civilizations. They are so trustworthy and they remain beside us whenever we need them. Now the recreational activities became more enjoyable with pet dogs. Dogs kayaking is so exciting and enjoyable. But for taking the puppy with us, we need to train our dogs for kayaking.
It is not hard to train dogs for kayaking as dogs are quick learners. Training our pet dog for recreation would be so amazing for all of us. And it may seem sometimes that we cannot control our temptation to take our dog’s kayaking. In such situations, kayaking with dogs will be very relaxed if the dog is properly trained. Most importantly, a dog’s response to commands is the biggest factor.
It may take 1-2 weeks to train dogs for kayaking. But no doubt that the training will be fun. If you are going to train your dogs for kayaking then the guide is for you. And knowing the kayaking facts will be a plus point for dogs kayaking.
Team PyeNye
Let’s start the training of dogs for kayaking with these common questions;
The simple answer is yes. You can easily bring your dog for kayaking. In fact, kayaking with dogs is more enjoyable than others.
It is not a hard job to train a dog for kayaking. We’ve prepared some easiest methods that you can properly train your dogs without hiring any professional trainers.
Yes, you can put a dog in inflatable kayaks. Inflatable kayaks are made of synthetic and PVC materials. For kayaking with dogs, focus on your puppy’s comfort.
Kayak modifications for dogs are a better idea. But kayak mods are not necessarily needed for dogs kayaking. But modifying the kayak will provide extra comfort and fulfill your requirements.
Train Dogs for Kayaking
There are few methods and throughout this, you can easily train a dog for kayaking. And trained dogs are always a safety shield for us. We have prepared a complete guideline on dog training for kayaking. The factors and methods will make you confident for the adventurous dogs kayaking.

Prepare your Dog by Clear Commands
The first thing about this training is clear commands. Make sure that your dog has a very good understanding of your all commands such as ‘stay’ and ‘sit’ which is very important to safety on the water. Experts suggest that your dog needs to respond to your basic commands within 1 or 2 seconds. Otherwise, it may become hazardous or complicated in kayaking with waters.
Try to give clear commands to your dog and then examine his response and reaction. The understanding between you and the pet is important in this case. Pay attention to his response. Treat him like a true friend and treat his positive responses with love and what he loves.
Introduce The Kayak well To Your Dog
However, for becoming the journey with your dog, you need to introduce the kayak properly to your dog. The proper introduction and the first impression are vital facts for kayaking with dogs.
Bring the kayak into your house or garden frequently when your dog is playing or near to you. In this way, your dog may get very familiar with the kayak. It is a good idea. Slowly your dog will start to love it feel more at ease with it and also love to play with it. The more they see and interact with the kayak, the more their fear will get reduced.
Try to explain the kayak to your dog and let him examine the watercraft. Show him the seat, paddle, and every part of the kayak. Point out and mention different parts and explain them to him. If you wish to bring your kid, follow the guidelines on kayaking with a kid first!
Start By Bringing It on Dry Land
Consequently, we have already mentioned making the perfect introduction between your dog and kayak. Bring the kayak on dry land and make your dog spend time with it.
After setting the kayak on dry land, go inside the kayak and act calmly. After you go inside the kayak, ask your dog to come with you. Mention your dog where to sit and what you are going to do.
Let him understand about this recreation. Pass times on it with your dog and make the sitting styles of your dog perfect at that time and also clarify the instructions at that moment. Get your dog to stay in the kayak even when you are not there. Because it needs to get adjusted with the kayak to your dog.
Make a schedule for practicing this several times. You should plan this practice for at least a week. Then you can go to the next step.
Remember a thing, do not practice for a long time. Practicing several times a day may cause boringness to your dog. Because your dog may lose interest instead of enjoyment.
Outdoors & Adventures
Introduce Kayaking in Water
After Practicing it on dry land introduce kayaking to your dog completely. Take him to the water and introduce him to kayaking.
Because it is a great and perfect way to see how your dog reacts to water and the environment. See properly whether he gets familiar with it and is happy with it or not. Look at the expression of the dog-like he may try to jump with happiness or bark heavily.
But you also should remain alert at that time. Because overexcitement of the testing time may cause some accidental incidents which may keep a negative impact on your dog’s mind and your dog may not want to go kayaking again for getting scared.
Try to maintain the practice for around a week. Calm water would be better for this practice. As soon as your dog feels comfortable with kayaking you can try short trips. However, if you’re going for whitewater kayaking or freshwater kayaking, get the guidelines from here.
Let your dog enjoy as he wants. Take time to listen to him. And try to do things your dog likes.
Feel Your Dog to Be Comfortable
From the very beginning, try to make your dog feel comfortable with the kayak. Try different kayaking with your dog and let him understand kayaking well. During the training, train your dogs to be comfortable with different water like river kayaking, bay area kayaking, kayak fishing in the ocean, etc.
Paddling in the calm waters will be encouraging for your dog. Thereby your dog will gain confidence and his interest level will grow for the adventure. If you live in New York, have a glance at the Hudson river kayaking instructions.
Having the adventure of dogs kayaking depends on how you train your dogs for kayaking and how long it takes time for ensuring the comforts. You can have a clear view of the training from the wikiHow’s instructions.
Comfort is one of the most important facts for dogs kayaking. As long as it ensures, your adventure will not be complete. It is important for both of you. Pay attention to your dog’s comfort first. Try to have sufficient food and toys. These will engage him more with kayaking.
Team PyeNye
Positive Reinforcement Approach
Concentrate on your dog’s response. It’s a vital fact in the dog’s training for kayaks. Always appreciate his positive responses and give rewards for the response. Give rewards and good comments in every step of your dog in training.
If your dog feels nervous during kayaking, then focus on him and help him as he needs. Push your dog from the back or hold him to protect him from any harness. Make him comfortable with “Floating devices” PFD. It is your responsibility to keep your lovely puppy safe in every condition.
If he keeps silent, feels bored, or gets tired then stop the practice for the day and give him rewards. And make sure your dog gets sufficient rest.
Include Negative Commands as A Positive Way
Including negative commands in the training is an important factor. And the training wouldn’t be satisfied until you have introduced your dog to every possible thing and guide him in those situations. After fulfilling the dog’s training your companion will be a helpful asset for you.
Some matters like leave it, drop it, stay out from it, don’t do it again, etc. are also important to teach your dog in training time.
These are some basic negative commands. But the matter is that in which way you need to teach these things to your doggy.
Most importantly, you should pay attention to it and should not get arrogant to him in little matters. Some commands should remain the same in training time and in final kayaking. Through this, your dog’s training will be accelerated and you both will be confident about the adventure.
Training for Poop is Important
Yes, no doubt that including poop facts is important. And if you want to have long tours, kayak camping, kayak fishing, or something long, training for poop is mandatory.
Finding a place for taking care of poop for your dog can be a big challenge in mid-time of your kayaking. Good training with ready to recall in basic commands is important in this case. Though it is a tricky command, you should teach your dog to this one also. Carry a bag or a large bin, litter, or plastic container with you and give the command and practice this to your dog to use it.
At the same time large life jacket, which can cover the hip portion of your dog’s can help you to solve this problem. But this may become unhygienic. Because your dog may wear this a long hour of the time on the trip. So he may feel irritated and do not want to stay any longer.
Some may suggest the puppy’s diaper also. But these may also feel disturbing. Because you cannot change these for a long time. But make sure with a good guideline that your dog does not dispose of his poop in water any kind of dirty incidents.
Set Off From the Shore
Start dogs kayaking by kayaking in the calm water. Lake kayaking is a good solution for this matter. And keep the practice as far as your dog realized about the recreation. Do the practice and make your dog feel better.
After fulfilling the practice you would be eagerly waiting for having the adventure of bay area kayaking with your dog. When you start kayaking with your dog, it is very important to you that you need to set your kayaking from the shore. Reassure your dog that the journey will be very enjoyable and he needs not worry.
Concentrate on the environment
The environment is another important factor in the training for dogs kayaking. Try to choose peaceful and calm areas for this training. Because dogs are startled by noises and high motions. And may want to jump out from the kayak when you are busy paddling!
Try to maintain the natural vibes during the training. Above all, if you are thinking about the difficulties and hardness of kayaking, just get a clear view from “kayaking is not hard“. And kayaking is a good workout for maintaining our fitness.
Train with Good Kayaks
Begin the training with a good kayak. Good kayaks have are of different types. But for kayaking with dogs, you should focus on the comfort first and then concentrate on the space. Because Comfort and enough room will make your kayaking easy with dogs. Thereby the interest level of your companion will grow high. Most importantly, go through the features of different kayaks. And choose the comfortable one for both of you. You can have a look at the comparison of sit on top vs sit in kayak from this blog post.
Train your dogs for kayaking on those kayaks which have extra volume and extra buoyant and also easy paddle. In this way, the bigger dogs feel pleased on the deck. For example, if your dog tries any effort or movement on the flat surface of the kayaks, or struggling with it, you need to support him with his body holding his belly with your hand.
The dog can lead to apprehension, particularly something carrying or holding in his mouth also in kayaking training time. You also should motivate him in this situation.
Ensure the Comforts
Comfort is the most important factor in this training. Try to steps slow and never aloof your dog from his comfort zone during the training as well as when you are having the real adventure. And this is essentially needed.
You should also concentrate on place and space. Whether you are going for a lengthy trip or not, your lovely dog will be happy to remain closer to you during the kayaking.
Therefore, you need to manage the perfect sittings for your pet. In addition, keeping the dogs sitting should be according to your paddling styles. Try to keep the perfect equipment for your dog. Perfect equipment will generate more interest.
Try not to tie your friend with the kayak. You will bother him by these. He may get panic when the boat swings. Keep him stress-free by communicating with him. Keep some equipment to engage your dog. Thus, your kayaking will be more enjoyable.
Make sure your dog responds to your commands. Try to guide him through your commands.
Try SUP In The Training For Dogs
SUP is Stand-up Paddling and it has some similarities with kayaking. After completing the dog’s training for kayaking, you can try SUP training for dogs. It will be entertaining for you both.
You may think that I have trained my dog properly for kayaking and now I can easily bring my dog for Stand-up Paddle Boarding as these are quite similar. But if you are thinking like this, please hold on for a moment.
Because it may become risky. Because dogs sometimes feel very fascinated with water with too much moving speed and want to get a very close touch with water. When it is pretty awesome blue water, they may get excess enthusiasm and some problems may happen.
We recommend you to take the SUP training for dogs. This will help you have enjoyable stand-up paddleboarding. However, follow the kayaking safety tips.
Increase The Experience And Try Different Methods
After beginning the training try to increase the experience by regular practice. Gradually increase the experience and practice of your dog. But do not pressurize him. Making kayaking is a relaxing and enjoyable process with praising.
If you both are doing well with this then, try out different methods of kayaking. Believe me, kayak fishing, touring, camping with your dog will be more entertaining. Besides, if you like to perform manatee kayaking, you can have a look at this article.
Dogs need time to acclimate to the idea of being in the kayaks with lovely incredible memories. Meanwhile patience, consistent, appropriate training, good exposure are the nest components of your training and also in kayaking on waters.
Training dogs for kayaking is also related to safety issues. So your dog needs to get natural with kayaks and water. Your dog may not have enough consistency or concentration due to some reasons. You need to recall basic commands and be ready to help him in any situation.
Good training and effort are also a way to show great love to your dear puppy and also each other and to foster a long and happy relationship between you and your best friend in kayaking.